Ershad Trabar Pars International Transportation Company, with registration number 47337, was established in 2015 with a carrier-forwarder license to operate in international transport affairs and has started its activities by using the long experience of experienced managers.

Ershad Trabar Pars Company has been able to establish active agencies, permanent and regular services in the field of international transport (land, air, rail, sea), export and import to all parts of Turkey, CIS countries (including Georgia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Armenia, Turkmenistan, and Russia), all European countries (including Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Germany, Italy, and France) and China and to carry out all matters related to customs clearance.

we have always put customer orientation at the forefront of our activities and in this regard, we have always tried and try to provide the best services to our customers at the most appropriate price and as fast as possible.

Air Transport

Ershad Tarabar Pars

Sea Transportation

Ershad Tarabar Pars

Road Transport

Ershad Tarabar Pars

Railroad Transport

Ershd Tarabar Pars

Clearance of Goods

Clearance of goods is one of the complex processes in the field of importing goods. Ershad Trabar Pars International Transport Company, in cooperation with a significant number of professional clearance workers, has turned this complex process into a cheap and fast service for its customers. The clearance agents of this company perform the clearance work with the lowest cost and in the fastest possible time by presenting the documents related to the goods such as bill of lading, insurance, certificate of origin, invoice, clearance, and also by presenting the business card of the owner of the goods
Now is the time to declare our readiness to provide the best possible experience and services in the safest and least costly way, in the shortest possible time